Tuesday, January 09, 2007

on the state of the blog

I am a little overdue on sermon summaries, etc. The reason is that I am crammed for time right now. I mentioned back in November how the Lord dramatically answered prayer for us in the sale of half the duplex I own up in Duncan, BC. (When my son was a little fellow, he called it 'the town of ME'.) My tenant has moved out of the remaining half and we are busy at renovation. I can only commit two days a week to the project, and must go like mad on our New Testament series the other three/four days of the week. I will try to keep my hand in here, and I am still working on some very interesting stuff from my reading that I would like to post in the future. But my time is at a premium just now.

Today one of my deacons and I were up at the duplex. We are in the "Rip and Tear" stage. Last week we ripped out the bathroom and the carpeting. Yesterday my two youngest were with me and we ripped out the kitchen. Today we were tearing down a dilapidated shed on the property. We rented a reciprocal saw to help, but just as we were getting into it, the power went out. (We are having the wildest winter in a long time here...) So it was sledge hammer and crowbar time. And pouring rain. Lots of pouring rain. We managed to get it all down and stowed away in the 40 yd waste bin we had rented. The bin company should show up tomorrow to haul it all away. Just as we finished, the rain quit and the power came on... We headed to Walmart to buy some dry shirts. But it was a great day anyway.

The rest of the week will see me writing out my handouts on 2 Cor 11-13, Ac 20.2-3 and Rm 1-5. The handouts are essentially a commentary in outline format on these passages. It is not exactly verse by verse, but pretty close. It is very profitable to me to work my way through this material in chronological order, and our folks are telling me the same. (I do have last year's OT notes available on CD if anyone is interested. The notes are not in as much detail as the NT since we were covering 25 chapters a week last year.)

So we are a little busy around here. I hope to somehow in the next little while launch my 'real blog' which will also see the launch of an experimental evangelistic blog I'll be advertising here in our local paper. I hope to have more details soon, but I have very little time to really work on this at the moment. I may not be able to get this off the ground until March.

In any case, I thought I would update you as to my activities and future plans for my writing. I may be limited in posting for the next little while.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

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