Wednesday, June 27, 2007

on smart aleck kids

During our prayer request time at church this evening, mention was made of my son Rory having his wisdom teeth taken out yesterday. He is quite the chipmunk these days! I remarked that I still have three of my wisdom teeth, so I must be much wiser than him.

Rory quickly responded, "Yes, but I am hole-ier than you."

I thought that was a pretty good come back.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3


Anonymous said...

I like that comment! Emily falls into the same category now, having had hers out last Wednesday (the 20th). She is now looking like a normal person again and able to chew things. Do you have any pics of Rory as a chipmunk that Cullen could send us?

Don Johnson said...

I'm not sure if any pics were taken. There was some talk of it, but I am not in the photo department!

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3