Thursday, September 13, 2007

on how deep the darkness

I want to highlight an article that appeared on the Religion News Blog sidebar I run on my blog:
Seekers are heading to the Amazon in search of esoteric highs. Are shamans the new shrinks?: "Deep immersion in a faraway jungle is the latest fix for those stuck in the cultural, spiritual or personal malaise that besets many in the 21st century."

The article is originally from The Times in England, describing the trends of some who are desperately seeking some kind of spiritual experience without God. It shows the deep need of man and the desperate hard-heartedness of men who will not submit themselves to God. I am not sure if anyone with whom I may have a chance to minister here in Victoria will ever go to these lengths for some kind of relief for their spiritual darkness, but the story does illustrate the deep depths of the darkness we fight in our secular city.

Here is a quote from one woman who has delved into this experience (which includes hallucinogens). You can see what I mean by the darkness and the need:
“I went to the Amazon because I felt my whole life needed shaking up, and I just didn’t know how to do that in England. I had everything I wanted, in terms of a stable marriage, lovely kids and a nice home, and although I knew I shouldn’t feel dissatisfied, I did. I wanted to reconnect with myself and the way I live before I got much older.”

May God stir us up to reach men and women who are falling into hell.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

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